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Reichard & Escalera has developed the following policy to guide it’s relationship with corporate clients:
Every client will have continuous and unencumbered access to a partner of the firm. Each partner has the responsibility to be fully informed of every matter that the firm handles for the clients for which that partner is responsible. It is that partner’s direct responsibility to keep the client informed.
The firm encourages clients to name a liaison with which the partner in charge will communicate and consult on important decisions.
It is the firm’s responsibility to make certain that the client is kept informed in terms that can be easily understood. Making decisions in matters in the hands of the attorneys should not become an undue burden for any client.
No advice is of use to a corporate client if it is couched only in terms of legal considerations. Every interchange of ideas with the client should be made with an eye to financial, policy, image, and business considerations.
The firm should always speak its mind clearly. It is the client’s prerogative to make the decision, but it is the attorney’s duty to make certain that said decision is made with all the necessary information. The client should be given the opportunity to participate in all important decisions, including those of only legal character.
A firm is as good as the solutions it provides. Clients do not pay lawyers to rewrite the law or become the legends of the trial court. The client is only interested in the solution of its problems. It is the firm’s responsibility to find an expeditious, economical, and effective way to deal with the problems of the client’s business.
The firm’s clients are intelligent business people. They have an understandable interest in controlling costs, including legal fees and expenses. Clients always know if more work than strictly needed is being done by an attorney. So, excessive lawyering should be avoided. Clients will always be grateful for advice that reduces the activity performed by the firm and thus, decreases the expenditure in legal matters. The firm’s attorneys are encouraged to always be aware that litigation is very costly and it is an alternative to be used only as a last recourse. If there will be litigation, the firm’s commitment to the defense of the interests of the client is absolute. Every case should be tried as if it were the firm’s only case. Delayed response is not adequate response. The firm should not accept new assignments if the time of response for each client will be unreasonably lengthened. Prompt reaction is of utmost importance to the client. Clients should always believe that the firm is receptive to their needs and is willing to reasonably adapt its methods of operation to satisfy them. This is the basis of what the firm seeks: long-term relationships with its clients.